#1 Rated Solar and Battery Installer in Northern California
NorCals Top Solar Energy Contractor
Joel Dahlheim is the Chief Executive Officer of All On Electric, a family owned electrical and solar energy company that provides multiple services for residential and commercial projects in Northern and Central California.
Joel graduated from Livermore High School and immediately joined the Marine Corps Reserve for 6 years. He was then activated for Operation Enduring Freedom and received a medal for serving in the war. He first started working with San Diego Gas and Electric where he went through the high voltage lineman apprenticeship. Joel quickly advanced to a Journeyman level after the completion of his apprenticeship.
Taking from values he learned as a veteran, listen to what Joel brings to every job.
What does Joel Dahlheim, Founder and CEO of All On Electric have to say
and how being an ex veteran helps bring accountability to every job. Check out the video.

Joel Dahlheim is the Chief Executive Officer of All On Electric & Solar, a family owned electrical and solar energy company that provides multiple services for residential and commercial projects in Northern and Central California.
Joel graduated from Livermore High School and immediately joined the Marine Corps Reserve for 6 years. He was then activated for Operation Enduring Freedom and received a medal for serving in the war. He first started working with San Diego Gas and Electric where he went through the high voltage lineman apprenticeship. Joel quickly advanced to a Journeyman level after the completion of his apprenticeship.
"as an active-military serviceman i learned how vital accountability is. at all on electric we bring that value to every project."
Amanda Dahlheim is the Operations Manager at All On Electric & Solar, a family owned electrical and solar energy company that provides multiple services for residential and commercial projects in Northern and Central California.

Jeff Wedderburn is the President of Sales and Marketing for All On Electric & Solar. He lives in Dublin where he raises his family and involves his time giving back to the community.
Jeff has lived in the bay area for over 35 years. His experience in solar started in 2008 where he began his career working with a small local solar installer. As his passion and experience for the industry grew his understanding of what the local bay area consumer needed and wanted when it came to solar was defined.